Thursday, October 30, 2008

Golden State Gets a Gold Star

Gov. Schwarzenegger signed legislation late September 2008 making California the first state to pass menu-labeling for restaurant chains. Finally realizing it is the right of consumers to make informed decisions about food consumed in chain restaurants. Hopefully, other states (err, DC) will play a little game of follow-the-leader and support menu-labeling in restaurants to promote a healthy environment for their residents. As more and more people expect to see this nutrition info in restaurants, we'll begin to see similar laws in other states. Making an informed choice about your meals is your right. California happens to be an early adopter and deserves a gold star. Who's next?


Guessing calorie info accurately is not as simple as you think...go ahead, test your nutri-knowledge.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Washington Post Health Column Discusses Menu Labeling Legislation: Readers Weigh In

click here and scroll down to "Counting Calories" to read Washington Post reader testimonials and comments. As one anonymous commenter so clearly articulated the rationale "Obesity is a complex issue with multiple causes and drivers, and solving it will require an equally broad and multilevel response. No single initiative will achieve much by itself in terms of slimming down the nation, but when combined into a comprehensive and long-term action plan, it can very well lead to that downtick that we'd all like to see." That's what it's all about!