DVMC held an "eat-in" event on 11.24.08 during lunch rush hours on the busy restaurant center of 19th Street between L and M Streets, NW DC. The event aimed to raise awareness and garner support of menu-labeling in DC. During the event, DVMC staff stirred up commotion on 19th Street by distributing postcards, flyers and related materials about menu-labeling; hosting calorie quizzes of sample food items from popular chain restaurants in the District, and canvassing for petition signatures to pass menu-labeling in DC. The signatures from the event and from previous events will be
faxed to DC City Council to advocate for a hearing on the bill. Combating the cold weather, DVMC was able to spread awareness about menu-labeling, which was critical because many people seemed unaware of the bill and menu-labeling. In general, most people seemed favorable of menu-labeling after being informed. DC consumers should expect to see nutritional information on menus and menu boards in order to make informed food choices, if one chooses to! If you stopped by our table, please leave us any comments or suggestions for future events!
Menu-labeling is stirring-up political and media attention a
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