Monday, November 9, 2009

DCVMC Visits St. Teresa Avila Parish!

This past Sunday, representatives from DC Voices for MEAL Choices partnered with the Metropolitan Washington Public Health Association (MWPHA) and the St. Teresa Avila Health Ministry to spread the word about good nutrition and menu labeling in Washington, DC. 

Healthy foods such as roast chicken, raw kale salad and apple cobbler were served, and MWPHA Officers Tambra Stevenson and Aisha Moore discussed nutrition and healthy eating with a group of about 20 parishioners. After a short discussion of nutrition and healthy habits, DC Voices for MEAL Choices made a short presentation about the DC MEAL Act, and why menu labeling is important. LIke many other DC residents, the parishioners were shocked by the calorie information presented, and several signatures were gathered in support of the legislation!

St. Teresa Avila's Health Ministry is currently working to develop a parish food policy, which will outline the types of foods that should be served at church events. The parish members had lots of great ideas about promoting health eating, but were quick to point out that they're not willing to give up tasty treats like fried chicken completely.

It's this sense of moderation that we're trying to promote! We know that everyone likes to treat themselves to a not so healthy snack or meal every now and then. But by being able to see the nutrition information at the time of purchase you can not only make healthier options at the restaurant, but can also think about how a restaurant meal can fit into a full day's food intake.

We'd like to thank St. Teresa Avila Parish for inviting us to share in their delicious meal, and for their support for the DC MEAL Act!

1 comment:

karyn said...

Sounds like a wonderful event! Thanks to Tambra and St. Avila for making this happen.